Sunday, January 26, 2020

Learning Through Play: School Development

Learning Through Play: School Development Introduction Children in a pre school are aged around five to six years old. How can they learn something through play in Pre School? How effective is learning through play and its value to their development? With this kind of notion, it gives me the courage to explore on what play is all about to children especially for those who are in Pre School. Most teachers and parents believe that young children learn best through play. This is supported by the Early Childhood Education Reform (ECEF) (1998:52) that children in the Foundation Stage learn best through play, experience and conversation. In this essay, I will explore on different types of play, which are usually used in a pre school classroom. Most importantly, I will explore on how play relates to the childrens development in terms of their physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development with the supports from acknowledged theorists. I will also point out the importance and benefits of play and how it can be effective with the help of teachers. Moreover, I will also give out examples from Brunei context based from my experience throughout my teaching in Brunei Pre School which relates their learning through play in their school curriculum. Definition of play According to Isaacs (1954:23), he states that play is the childs means of living and understanding life. It proves that learning through play is essential for young childrens development in which they can they can gain experience, and knowledge in this life as it enables them to make sense of their world as they learn through exploration and experimentation. Moreover, play can also make a significant contribution to the childs mental health and social well-being (Miller et al., 2005). Conversely, Dodds (2009) argues that many authors and researchers would agree that it is nearly impossible to try and explain the difference between work and play as well as to try and define the notion of play or even categorise different forms of play. Play is a non threatening thing. Bennett et al (1997:51) state that there is a contrast between play and work where play is seen as being fun and enjoyable, whereas work is serious and even onerous. Meanwhile, Hughes (1999:3) states that play differs in a number of ways from what is usually regarded as work. Both play and work is enjoyable. However, play is intrinsically motivated while work is extrinsically motivated (Hughes, 1999). The Plowden report (DES, 1967) also states that adults who criticize teachers for allowing children to play are unaware that play is the principal means of learning. Types of play It is possible to classify different types of play which represent, and contribute to progress in different areas of development (Sheridan, 1999). As revealed by Miller et al. (2005), they argue that children can be seen playing in all types of different situations. Consequently, what they do when they play has many common features in spite of the context, materials and equipment available. Therefore, in light of the above, they also believe that practitioners use a number of different terms to describe types of play. Although some may appear self-explanatory, but it is necessary to understand what each involves in terms of the relationships between them and the value of their contribution to the childs growth and development both as an individual and a learner (Miller et al., 2005). In a Pre school, teachers use different types of play which relevance to the school curriculum and have an effect to the childrens development. Basically, with these types of play, it can help teachers to observe and understand better what is happening to the children when they play. Play is often categorised in a number of ways but is normally grouped into four different categories. There are creative play, physical play, manipulative play and imaginative play (Tassoni et al., 2007). Most of these plays are practiced in Pre schools. Firstly, creative play encourages children to experiment and explore the world around them. If the children are given a wide range of activities, they can develop in all areas as well as gaining an immense deal of satisfaction from the play itself as it can actually increase their confidence and self-esteem. Although it also supports the childrens creativity, it is important not to make the children worry about the end product and there should not be any competition. This is due to the childs sense of self-worth which can easily be destroyed if their creation is not praised or is questioned in some ways. They also supported that in that way, it will enable children to enjoy the process rather than the end of product (Tassoni et al., 2007). As supported by Duncan and Lockwood (2008), they state that creative play is all about creative arts play such as painting, drawing, music, dance and model making in which are the ways of expressing ideas and feelings. They are also a form of communication. Basically, they also argue that children discover the medium in which they learn how it works and what they can do with it. Secondly, Tassoni et al., (2007) believe that physical play encourages children to use their large muscles and exercises their body in which they learn to control their muscles and develop coordination. This is also supported by Miller et al., (2005:87), they define that physical play is rough and tumble which is a fun, free flowing and physical and children can develop their physical abilities and refine their motor control. Meanwhile, Lindon (2001:42) who defines that rough and tumble is such a close encounter play that is playful and obviously enjoyed by children. It is actually a type of play that is not genuine fighting where children can use the involvement of touching, tickling and chasing in activities given. Moreover, Duncan and Lockwood (2008:99) argue that physical play is a kind of play that often predominates in outdoor provision. Thirdly, a manipulative play is a type of play which concentrates upon how a child uses his or her hands. Sight and touch are the essential part of this play with hand-eye coordination. It is primarily divided into gross and fine manipulative play whereas in the gross manipulative play such as throwing a ball, climbing or kicking a ball and in the fine manipulative play is where children discover to use their fingers independently such as unscrewing a lid and using a pencil (Tassoni et al, 2007). Fourthly, an imaginative play is vital for the development of cognitive competence (Duncan and Lockwood, 2008: 98). They also believed that children can go beyond the here and now; they can pretend to be someone else, to act out adult roles. This is also argued by Bergen (2002) that there may be negative consequences for intellectual development in the long term if children do not have the opportunity of imaginative play. Moreover, Tassoni et al., (2007) support that children can act out situations spontaneously by taking on the role of other people or situations. By providing provide a number of imaginative play activities and support by adults can allow children to safely explore their own feelings and the world around them. They also argue that there are four terms that connect with imaginative play, and there is pretend play, fantasy play, socio-dramatic play and symbolic play. As for symbolic play, Miller et al. (2005:86) states that it provides children with opportunities to explore and extend their world as well as materials and objects are used to represent all kinds of things and people. This shows that in this kind of play, objects, actions and functions take on responsibilities. Meanwhile, Lindon (2001:42) states that symbolic play allows children to exercise control and explore without the risk of being out of their depth. For instance, a piece of wood may symbolize a person. A socio-dramatic play involves interaction and communication with others as children can act out stories on their own and with others. This can actually allow them to explore the nature of the role, adapting and modifying it as a result of interacting with others (Miller, et al., 2005:87). As for a pretend play, Tassoni et al, (2007:277) argues that it is a play that considers how children act out in a range of ways such as going shopping or cooking a meal. On the other hand, according to Miller et al., (2005:87), they define that a fantasy play is a form of role play where children produce their own stories and challenge accepted norms and expectations which involves make-believe, where objects and people take on new, innovative functions and roles. This is supported by Lindon (2001:43) by giving an example of children may fantasise about flying an aeroplane or being incredibly rich. The effect of play in childrens development Learning through play can be influenced by all aspects of childrens development. This is supported by Tassoni et al. (2007) as they state about how children develop through play in terms of their physical, social, emotional and behavioural, intellectual and communication and language development. However, according to Duncan and Lockwood (2008:61), they state that progression and regression in one area will impact on the others. As for the Physical development, children actually develop both physically and intellectually through movement that they make. As stated below, they argue that: Through repetition of action, connections are made in the brain. The more complex the movement or pattern created, the greater the cognitive process. Children explore their environment, manipulate tools and learn new skills, with greater control and dexterity. Their ability to plan and organize their movements influences their ability to write, draw and manipulate fine objects as well as develop their gross motor skills. This gives them the opportunity to represent language in symbols for themselves. By repetition and practice children also master control over their bodies, thus developing physical competence and spatial awareness. (Duncan and Lockwood, 2008:61) On the other hand, in terms of the language and cognitive development, children express their ideas and feelings as well as describing their experiences through language. This is because that the role of language in the development of thinking in which they can use it to control the world around them, recognize meaning and represent their understanding. Moreover, positive relationships encourage communication and are the important factor in language development and thinking. Language accompanied by action helps children to understand what is being said (Duncan and Lockwood, 2008). Lastly, the social and emotional development which also gives effect to the childrens learning. As stated by Duncan and Lockwood (2008), they argue that sociable children can interact properly in order to learn from their peer group, parents and other adults. This means they have the essential skills to cooperate in a group situation where they are able to stick to decisions made and take both a lead and subsidiary role in decision-making. They are sensitive of the needs of others and can understand different viewpoints and perspectives and how one event may affect another. They can also learn to develop socially acceptable behaviour in different circumstances. Conversely, Goleman (1996) argue that there are five abilities associated with emotional intelligence and there are self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating oneself, recognizing emotions in others and handling relationships. Duncan and Lockwood (2008:63) also believed that emotional upheaval at sometime in childrens lives may impact negatively upon learning, which in turn may affect their self-esteem. The influence of theorists about childrens play Basically, no one theory has ever been able to explain completely the significance of play in childrens development. Hughes (1999:16) argues that theories must be seen as only tentative models, helpful frameworks within which child development and behaviour can be better understood. I will focus on three theorists in whom they think that play as part of childrens thinking and there are Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Jerome Bruner. It proves how effective play is in the childrens cognitive development where they can actually understand ideas and learn to think. Lindon (2001) states that the theory developed by Jean Piaget has been hugely influential for early years practice in United Kingdom. However, other theorist such as Lev Vygotsky has shown contrasting perspectives that can support adults in an effort to understand childrens thinking and how it relates to play. Jean Piaget believed that child as an active learner and proposed that children were active participants in their own learning. He also proposed that through a series of stages that unfolded in a definite sequence, the childrens cognitive development progressed. He also interested in childrens play activities in order to support his theory about their language and thinking. He did not focus on other aspects of childrens development such as communication, social interaction or emotional development. Piagets theory that children constructed their own understanding led him to emphasise that adults should create environments in which children could discover for themselves. Self discovery by children has sometimes been interpreted to mean that adults should scarcely intervene at all in childrens play (Lindon, 2001). Moreover, according to Maynard and Thomas (2004), they state that Vygotsky was interested in a mastery play where children can take up information from the world around them and shape it to fit in with their own understanding and experience as well as changing their actions to meet the demands of their personal world. These processes are called assimilation accommodation. Similar to Vygotsky, he believed that by observing a child at play, the adult gained much knowledge of the childs stage of development. He categorised three stages of the development of intelligence and there is sensory motor which corresponds to mastery play, pre-operational which corresponds to symbolic or pretend play, and lastly operational which corresponds to games with rules. Since I am exploring about children in Pre schools, I would use the information from Piagets developmental model which argues on the stage of symbolic play which takes place between the ages of two and seven years which relevant with the pre-operational stage. This is where the children transform themselves or objects into something else. For instance, a child engaged in pretend play about pirates and may pick up a cardboard cylinder and use it as a telescope. For the child, it has become a telescope and the transformation is a very real one (Maynard and Thomas, 2004). Basically, it shows that using the view from Piaget; pretend play emerged spontaneously at a stage well into the pre school period. However, according to Maynard and Thomas (2004), it is only relatively recently since the translation of Vygotskys work and through the writing of more recent researchers, that this view has been challenged and argued that pretend play is considered to be the product of social collaboration rather than a developmental process. Meanwhile, in the contribution of Vygotsky to the childrens learning through, Lindon (2001:31) states that he placed greater emphasis than Piaget on the social context in which children explored and learned. He also focused on language as a vital social tool and described learning within social interaction. Lindon (2001:31) also states that Vygotsky felt that early language, during the years when children speak out loud to themselves in play, was an important instrument of their thinking. Moreover, Vygotsky believes that in terms of the role of play, he emphasized: The ingenuity of children as active participants in their own learning and creative users of play from whatever was available. He felt that play led childrens development. In their play activity, children could step outside the restrictions of their real lives and explore meaning free from the constraints of what was possible as a child. Vygotsky also believed that all forms of play had some imaginary component and that play was rule bound within those imaginary elements. (Lindon, 2001:31). It shows that play is important for childrens learning, but of course there are barriers such as risk, safety and both the childrens social and emotional are needed to be focused on. As supported by Vygotsky, he did not see play as the only way that children learned and warned against the risks if adults focused too much on the possible intellectual content of play and ignored the emotional content (Lindon, 2001). Hughes (1999) also states that Vygotsky believed about the importance of the social context. He believes about his zones of proximal development. If a child is asked to work independently on a problem, such as sorting objects according to shape or function, he will display a particular level of performance for the childs performance may not reflect his or her true potential. However, if the same child is allowed to work with other children on the problem or is given even a small amount of direction by an adult, he or she might perform at a higher level than when working alone and potential ability in a different social context is the zone of proximal development. Obviously, the social context can do more than provide information about development as it can also facilitate the development by allowing children to achieve their true potential (Hughes,1999). In terms of play, Maynard and Thomas (2004) state that Vygotsky stresses that in childrens development in the earliest years of life, the role of pretend play is important. He placed play in the socio-cultural context where the context in which childrens play can and should be extended and nurtured by both adults and peers. This is also further supported that pretend play provides an inimitable context within which children can reach for and attain increasingly higher levels of cognitive development (Maynard and Thomas, 2004). Vygotsky believed that pretend play is a major means by which young children can extend their cognitive skills, and they can also learn about the social constructs of their own culture at the same time by the encouragement given by adults for them to become active participants in the social world around them. He also believed that by identifying the main features of play, the observer is able to understand how it influences childrens development (Maynard and Thomas, 2004). Lastly, about Jerome Bruner who was actually influenced by Vygotskys ideas and developed the idea for the concept of the spiral curriculum. According to Lindon (2001), he states that Bruner described how children learn through discovery with the direct help of adults and by repeating to the same materials or ideas. He also proposed that children were able to broaden their understanding over a period of years, and they could build on what they had learned previously and through sensitive help from adults in the later learning. In terms of play, whereas Piagets developmental theory minimalists the role of the adult in childrens development, Bruner similar to Vygotsky who considers the role of the adult in nurturing childrens development through play to be critical. He also argues that children learn from modelled adult behaviour rather than over-directed intervention (Maynard and Thomas, 2004). Moreover, according to Maynard and Thomas (2004), Bruner identifies two major functions of play. First, play situations allow children to test out and modify the consequences of their actions which provide them with a meaningful situation in which they can learn about things without risk of fear and failure and second, it gives children an opportunity for them not to engage in behaviours if under adult pressure. Like Vygotsky, Bruner also subscribes to a socio-constructivist theory of play in which he emphasizes the important of symbolic or pretend play. This is a type of play which enables children to work through difficulties, and fulfil secret desires at a make-believe level as well as helping children to learn how to cope with rules and social conventions at the same time (Maynard and Thomas, 2004). Overall, according to Maynard and Thomas (2004), they state that Vygotsky and Bruner subscribe to the socio-constructivist theory of play that it needs to be scaffolded by sensitive and intelligent adult intervention. In order for children to progress to higher levels of cognitive functioning, there must be social interaction with peers. However, Piaget argues that that play was developmental and that it took place at a particular stage regardless of adult intervention. It shows that Piagets theory is in contrast to the socio-constructivist view of the play. Despite their differences, the classical theorists emphasise the vital importance of pretend play to childrens development. Since pretend play presents a much greater cognitive challenge than non-pretend activities such as puzzles and jigsaws, young children who have ample time to engage in it do enjoy enhanced intellectual development. The importance and benefit of play It is believed that play can help children to understand life and their surrounding. This is supported by Duncan and Lockwood (2008), they state that through play, children have a natural instinct to learn about the world. Moreover, Hughes (1999:20) states cognitive theorists regard play a stool for facilitating intellectual growth. In addition, play is spontaneous as children can engage in it from choice (Moyles, 1994). This is further supported by Jerome Bruner (1972) and Brian Sutton-Smith (1967) cited in Hughes (1999:20), they state that play provides a comfortable, and relaxed atmosphere in which children can learn to solve a variety of problems. They also believe that later, when children are confronted with the more complex problems of the real world, the learning that took place during play is of great benefit to them. Play affords the opportunity for intellectual and social development as well as for emotional release (Hughes, 1999). In the studies of Bruner (1960) cited in Maynard and Thomas (2004), he states that similar to Piaget and Vygotsky; he examines the way in which children are able to explore hopes and anxieties and trying things out safely in pretend play as well as attributing to it a cathartic function. According to Maynard and Thomas (2004: 192), they state that when one observes children at play, certain common characteristics emerge. First, play is fun, children enjoy engaging in it. It maybe accompanied by laughter, talk, propose indeed, none of these things. It may be solitary or involve groups of children; it may also involve adult participation. Although an episode of play may lead to significant learning outcomes, these are not planned at its outset. True play is an impromptu experience and other than the intention of having fun, its outcomes do not exist in childrens minds when they initiate it. However, parents often misunderstood about play and early childhood educators notice it as a natural part of childhood but one that has little developmental value (Hartley, 1971). Moreover, David (1996) cited in Nutbrown also highlights the way in which increasing fears for childrens safety is understandably causing parents to confine and restrict their children more. According to Hughes (1999), he argues that it is understood that children should play as it affords the opportunity for intellectual and social development as well as for emotional release. Meanwhile, as stated by Gammage (2006) argue that childrens learning has led to some misunderstanding in which children are not just investments for the future, but they have a right to freely chosen opportunities for play and self-directed exploration as well as structured play activities rather than being made to follow a restricted or narrow curriculum. Other feature of learning through play is that it helps the children to develop their language by expressing their ideas and feeling and describe their experiences (Duncan and Lockwood, 2008). Moreover, Moyles (2005:235) states that children are in control of the way in which they want their play to develop and give themselves tasks in their play, not really for an outcome, but to shape the play-process itself. Hughes (1999) states that Vygotsky argued that there is a number of acquired and shared tools that aid in human thinking and behaviour-skills that allow us to think more clearly than if we did not have them and to better understand our own thinking processes. He also stated about the importance of the social context. This is his belief in zones of proximal development. If asked to work independently on a problem, such as sorting objects according to shape or function, a child will display a particular level of performance. However, Vygotsky believed that the childs performance may not reflect his or her true potential. If the same child is allowed to work with other children on the problem on the problem, or is given even a small amount of direction by an adult, he or she might perform at a higher level than when working alone and potential ability in a different social context is the zone of proximal development. Role of adults and their intervention to make a play to work effectively Teachers need to be supportive as children should enjoy it. Lindon (2001) identifies some possible roles for Pre school teachers in play such as the teacher as companion, learner and observer, facilitator, provider, a model, mediator as well as safety officer. Miller et al., (2005:92) state that play is vulnerable that it is important to provide appropriate experiences, activities and resources that will help children to develop their ability to play and learn. Moyles (1994) argues that it is practitioners who are best placed to observe and channel the value of childrens play into powerful contexts for learning. Moreover, by observation it is important for childrens learning through play. This is supported by Duncan and Lockwood (2008:21) who believe that observation will give you information about childrens learning through play and about the learning environment. Johnston et al., (2010) state that through play, children can develop intellectually, creatively, physically, socially and emotionally. By providing well planned experiences in both indoor and outdoor which are based on childrens spontaneous play are an important way which practitioners support young children to learn with enjoyment and challenge. Furthermore, observation also gives feedback on management issues, the effectiveness of resources and the play environment and information about diversity, inequalities, prejudices and stereotyping (Duncan and Lockwood, 2008:20). There are many ways in supporting and reflecting childrens play in extending specific areas such as language and communication. As stated by Bruce (2001) in supporting play are to establish a conducive environment, an adult must have interest and be part of the play in a background way as well as to be alert on how to manage things during the play without intervene it. However, those with learning difficulties and disabilities may need more specific and specialised help in playing and communicating with others. There is a place for scaffolding childrens understanding of and ability to play, just as there is for scaffolding their learning, to take account of their diverse life experiences (Bruner, 1972). Moreover, Vygotsky stated on how adults could best help children to learn and on the other hand, he also believed that children could and did help each other through play. He used his concept of the zone of proximal development to explain how childrens learning could be supported. The zone of proximal development is the area of possibilities that lie between what individual children can manage on their own and what they could achieve or understand with some appropriate help. He also argues that focused help could come from wither an alert adult or from another child whose understanding or skills were slightly more mature (Lindon, 2001). The impact of learning through play in Brunei context on Pre School children Based from where I came from, Pre schools in Brunei also practice learning through play in part of the school curriculum. As stated by the Curriculum Development Department (CDD) of the Brunei Ministry of Education (2009), the Pre school syllabus emphasises on the implementation of the instructional activities which are provided following the educational field and skill levels as well as abilities in accordance with the development of their learning. The educational field is divided into five developments. There is personal and social development, cognitive development, the development of aesthetics and creativity, physical development and ICT development. On the other hand, some teachers tend not to focus on the childrens learning through play as they believed that it is just a waste of time and rather follow in meeting the curriculum demands and syllabus given. This is argued by the Plowden report (DES, 1967) that although the play is the central activity in all schools but it often leads to accusations that children are wasting their time in school in which they should be working. Principals in Brunei Pre Schools encourage Pre class teachers to modify and decorate their classrooms where they accommodate the class with varieties of learning corners areas such as a book corner, kitchen corner, block corner and drawing corner. This is suitable for dramatic play, books and literacy, block and construction play and manipulative play.ÂÂ   These areas can help the pupils to develop their skills needed. The class teachers make sure that the play activities are relevant to the development of the pre school pupils. Most importantly, the teachers provide plenty of open space area for them to play independently. This can lead the pupils to be engaged in learning through play effectively. Basically, class teachers in Brunei use primitive materials for some of the play activities such as sand, water and clay where it can attract the pupils and evoke their interest and concentration. This is supported by Hughes (1999:198) who highlights that a number of play materials and activities have been identified as being highly likely to stimulate intellectual growth. Hughes (1999:211) states that certain types of play materials and activities have been found to be helpful in encouraging social integration. Moreover, the use of materials in play can develop pupils confidence in learning with others. Moyles (2005) states that the activity which develop their confidence and actually demonstrate their understanding to groups of children even if they are unfamiliar with as they can start their conversation and friendship. Most importantly, the toys and play materials are kept on low sized shelves so that they can reach them easily. Most teachers do use the outdoor play but this is only when they are having a Physical Education. Basically, children must also have opportunities to play out door since outdoor has a large space with nature. The pupils can play freely which can sometimes pose a threat for risk and accidents. As stated by Gill (2007:16), he summarizes that by undertaking risky activities carries beneficial side effects for childrens health and development. Based from my teaching experience, the pupils in my class love to play during their Break time. It could be observed that it was the time when they are having fun especially at the playground. Although children play, they actually learn something. For instance, th

Friday, January 17, 2020

My Leadership Style Essay

According to the leadership assessment, I am more of task-oriented leader than a people-oriented leader, though I scored high in both areas, therefore I have a healthy balance of both which is important for a leader in any company. My leadership style allows me to get my work completed in an organized fashion, while being open to other ideas; I can focus on the small projects while continuing to see the big picture or vision. Because I score higher on the task-oriented side, I can be more autocratic in my thinking. This will limit my ability to show my apathy for my staff and employees Furthermore, I am also a transformational and charismatic leader. I am most effective in smaller organizations that have direct interactions with my staff. According to Robbins, this helps to make me effective as a leader, which will give a company â€Å"low turnover, higher productivity, lower employee stress, and burnout, and higher employee satisfaction.† Furthermore, Robbins shared that this leadership style is not effective with those who are â€Å"highly individualistic and do not readily cede decision-making authority.† Since I am able to communicate with my staff the expectations, visions ad engage my staff, I also have a Charismatic leadership style. I continuously focus on the end goal, big picture and tie that big picture to the work of my staff, making it attainable to my staff. One of the major downsides to charismatic leadership is that it can be situational, according to Robbins. Role in Company The role I would like to pursue within the company is that of a managerial supervisor. According to Robbins, organizations need strong leadership and  strong management for optimal effectiveness. I feel that because I have leadership and managerial traits and characteristics, I would be a great candidate for that particular role. In a managerial supervisory role, I am a direct leader. I work directly with my staff on a one-on-one basis and in a team format; I will have more influence directly on my staff. As the managerial supervisor, I am able to support, recognize, develop, plan, and coach/mentor my staff while monitoring, setting goals, and overseeing day to day operations. This is evident because of my healthy balance of task and people orientation. Leadership theories applicable to my leadership approach The Big Five Trait Leadership Theory is applicable to my leadership approach because research has shown that the big five personality factors are strong indicators for job success and performance. I scored high in the areas of extroversion and conscientiousness. The positive factors about scoring high on conscientiousness’s is that overall, those with high marks in this area have better job performance and those are more reliable, thorough, organized, angle to plan, and persistent according to the assessment. These traits are consisted with those of task-oriented leaders. However, the Leadership Substitute Theory would be counter indicated for the areas of subordinate, task, and group/organizational characteristics. This is because my staff could need little direction from me as their supervisor if they have extensive experience. Also, when staff repeats their task over and over, they become proficient and don’t need feedback, but are building their own motivation. As a task-oriented, transformational, and charismatic leader, I would struggle more with staff who are more independent or did not work well in the group. I like to give freedom to my staff, but my style makes it necessary to know what is going on in the jobs at all times. Conclusion My leadership style is transformational, charismatic with my main focus on task-oriented management. I work hard to inspire my staff, while also meeting deadlines. I focus better when I’m working with a team rather than individuals who do their own thing. Research has shown that my leadership style is an asset to many companies if utilized in the right way. This is why I would like a position that allows me to shine, take the lead of a team, while focusing on the companies â€Å"big picture.† References Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Yuki, G. (2010). Leadership in organizations (7th Ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Vaccination Of The Vaccination Controversy - 1499 Words

The Vaccination Controversy in Ohio According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, a vaccine is defined as â€Å"a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting that person from disease† (â€Å"Immunization†, 2017). Children begin the vaccination process at birth and continue to receive vaccines throughout he or she’s adolescent years. The vaccinations are peremptory in the protection from diseases, such as, Hepatitis A, Meningitis, and Influenza. Even though vaccines have been proven to increase protection from disease in children, parents have the option to opt out of the vaccine schedule. The percentage of people opting out of vaccinating is on the rise due to the†¦show more content†¦On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the United States had also been dealing with disease and plague throughout the years. In 1921, America experienced an infectious disease known a s diphtheria. This disease attacks the tissues of the body, often affecting the tonsils and throat. Before vaccines, diphtheria killed fifteen-thousand americans. Due to the amount of casualties, a vaccine was created. The CDC website states, â€Å"Only two cases of diphtheria have been reported to the CDC between 2004 and 2014† (â€Å"stopped vaccinations†, 2017). The institute also found data to suggest that more than a hundred Americans would die from measles before a vaccine was created. Today, most doctors have not seen a case of measles due to the vaccination. Additionally, vaccines have helped protect babies from a disease called rubella. Rubella is a German smallpox that comes from a virus and has distinctive rash. In the mid 1960s, rubella killed more than two-thousand babies and infected over twelve million Americans. The deadly disease also cause eleven-thousand miscarriages. Since the creation of the rubella vaccine, the CDC reported fifteen cases since 201 2 (â€Å"stopped vaccinations†, 2017). Diseases have taken and affected billions of lives around the world. Fortunately, there have been scientists to create vaccines in order to protect and prevent any further spread. Even though there are vaccines available, there are stillShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy Of Vaccination Of Vaccinations1562 Words   |  7 Pagesmore light on this unfamiliar concept. My topic will be about the controversy of vaccinations. I am going to research its history, the effect on your body, advantages and disadvantages. I am also interested in the reasons behind not getting vaccinations for your children, even when the parents could be willingly risking their child’s health and other children’s health. Furthermore, I wonder how doctors and professors view vaccinations and if they believe vaccinating your children is mandatory. TheRead MoreThe Controversy Of Vaccination Of Vaccinations2442 Words   |  10 PagesMy topic will be about the controversy of vaccinations. I am going to research its usage, the effect on your body, advantages and disadvantages. I am also interested in the reasons behind not getting vaccinations for your children, even when the parents could be willingly risking their child’s health and other children’s health. Furthermore, I wonder how doctors and professors view vaccinations and if they believe vacc inating your children is mandatory. The reason why I chose this topic is becauseRead MoreVaccination Controversy1554 Words   |  7 PagesVaccination Controversy Julie S. Bertram Excelsior College Authors note This paper was written for MLS 500: Graduate Research and Writing taught by Dr. Kyla Hammond Most healthcare professionals and leaders attribute vaccination as the single-most important reason for increasing the health of the human population during the past one hundred years. As a result, required immunizations are common in the U. S. and other developed countries. However, there is a segment of society who argue againstRead MoreThe Controversy Of Childhood Vaccination1173 Words   |  5 Pages Vaccinations are something that is none around the world. It is supported in many countries but in others it is not. In the United States there is a constant controversy as to whether to vaccinate or not. Most parents in our society opt for the vaccination process to protect their children in any way they can. Although, many parents do not see it that way. The controversy of childhood vaccination spans back more than just a few years it goes back as far as the 18th century (Nelson) but the factRead MoreVaccination Controversy : Immunization Controversy1257 Words   |  6 PagesRunn ing Head: Immunization Controversy Page 1 Immunization Controversy Living in an environment where we are prone to many viruses, it’s very important that one take the proper precautions or considerations to control the risk of getting affected. However, when utilizing the ability of not becoming infected, one may question the fact weather there’s an actual effective form of prevention or not. To clarify the uncertainty, over many years one of the most strategic methods that have been used forRead MoreVaccination Crisis And Controversies Of Africa1620 Words   |  7 Pages2017 Midterm Report: â€Å"Vaccination Crisis and Controversies in Africa† The Africa past colonial, past aftereffects, and its evils like malnutrition, illiteracy, war and the refusal of a part of the population in the developed countries especially in America to let American children get vaccinated raised the problem of vaccination especially in a bruised population in Africa. The current problem is whether to suspend vaccination campaigns or to continue the vaccination for the welfare of childrenRead MoreVaccinations Should Be A Big Controversy Essay837 Words   |  4 PagesVaccinations have become a big controversy and interest in society. Should I get vaccinated? Should I not? Should my kids be vaccinated? What’s in the shots? Harmful or not? Many questions and demanding answers have been asked. You can be for it or against it. Each side has their own view on the vaccines. Vaccinations are freedom of choice. There are benefits and side effects for each side. In this paper I will be explaining points of views and statistics on each vaccine. Eve ryone is entitled toRead MoreVaccination Controversy Of Vaccinating Children2521 Words   |  11 PagesVaccination Controversy Vaccinating children has become an issue many parents are taking personally and debating on a regular basis. Several parents vaccinate their children, but do they really know what they are vaccinating for? Most vaccines are necessary for children to gain immunity. Immunity from severe diseases that are part of our history, such as: Measles, Polio, Pertussis, and Diphtheria are essential to everyone. Vaccinating for these serious diseases is a must to keep children healthyRead MoreThe Controversy Of Vaccines : Controversy Regarding The Risks Of Vaccinations1824 Words   |  8 PagesThe Controversy of Vaccines Controversy concerning the risks of vaccinations will always exist. As is the nature of a preventative intervention, it is difficult to rationalize giving a completely healthy child an injection that is known to have varying degrees of sides affects5. Additionally, these injections are to provide immunity to children for diseases that have an extremely low risk of circulating within a population. Since these vaccines have been able to protect so many individuals from experiencingRead MoreHPV Vaccination Controversy Essay examples697 Words   |  3 PagesHPV vaccinations have been involved in some heated debates involving the general public and the government for some time now; whether the vaccine is worth being administered to young girls is the underlying question and if so at what cost. In the articles â€Å"HPV Vaccine Texas Tyranny† and â€Å"The HPV Debate† both authors Mike Adams and Arthur Allen provide enlightening information on why the HPV vaccinations shoul d not be mandated through legislation, Adams conveys his bias and explains how the government

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Best Type Of Energy - 1400 Words

Around the world, there are hundreds of different methods of how to use alternative energy in order to save the earth from burning fossil fuels. Burning these, causes major air pollution and can be detrimental towards the health of thousands of populations. The best type of energy is photovoltaic energy because it possesses many advantages and it outshines the other alternative sources. In one day, the amount of sunlight shining over the United States is over 2,500 times the entire country’s daily energy usage combined. Photovoltaic energy is used to power solar panels by having particles of light, photons, free electrons from their atoms, thus generating electricity. Solar panels are composed of photovoltaic cells; these cells turn sunlight into electricity. Each cell is made up of two pieces of semi-conducting material, typically silicon, which is used to establish an electric field. This field occurs when opposite charges are separated and this is done by giving each piece a positive or negative electrical charge. When the photon pushes an electron free, the electron field will thrust the electron out of the junction between the two charged layers of material. This basic physical process, ejecting electrons in response to light, is known as the photoelectric effect. When this happens, the energy from the photon is shifted towards an electron that is in a photovoltaic cell. Metal conductive plates can then use these electrons as usable energy by collecting andShow MoreRelatedSolar Energy Is The Best Type Of Energy1651 Words   |  7 PagesWhen you close your eyes and think of solar energy, what do you see? Your response is most likely something positive such as an innovative, efficient, and renewable step forward into the future. Solar is also thought of to be the best type of energy because the sun will never go away. Well, solar energy will have to battle it out with natural gas and oil in the near future. â€Å"As the price of oil and natural gas continues to drop, solar energy looks less desirable as other sources become more affordableRead MoreSustainability And Construction Practices : Department Of Civil Engineering1256 Words   |  6 Pagesof renewable energy 3 Types of renewable energy i. Solar power 3 ii. Wind power 5 iii. Biomass 6 iv. Geothermal energy 7 v. hydropower 8 Conclusion 8 References 9â€Æ' RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ELECTRICITY IN SUSTAINABILITY INTRODUCTION: It is the energy comes from natural resources like sun light, wind, rain water and geothermal heat. As we all know that coal, oil, gas are limited in nature they might run out some day renewable energy is the best way to restoreRead MoreEating Healthy1612 Words   |  7 Pagesnotice that they have more energy and a more positive attitude overall. About 12.5 million children and teens, and over one-third of adults in the US have an obesity problem. The obesity problem in children and teens has nearly tripled in the last 30 years. Eating healthy foods can benefit a person by giving a person more natural energy, helping one maintain a healthy weight, and helping one live longer. Natural Energy/Healthy Foods A person can get more natural energy from eating healthy foodsRead MoreEnergy Resouce Plan1122 Words   |  5 PagesEnergy Resource Plan (Conservation) Kasandra Hunter SCI 275 08/29/2010 Cindy Hall Energy Resource Plan (Conservation) You are a board member of your Home Owner’s Association. At your next meeting, your goal is to educate other homeowners about energy conservation. †¢ Review the following Energy Resource Plan outline: †¢ Introduction: †¢ Provide information about why conserving energy is important. †¢ Renewable versus Nonrenewable †¢ Briefly distinguish between these two typesRead MoreRadiation Therapy : A Type Of Treatment Modality1193 Words   |  5 PagesRadiation therapy is a type of treatment modality that administers radiation to patients with cancer. This form of treatment has many components that contribute toward ensuring the malignant tissue within the body is being adequately treated. One of the major components in radiation therapy is the use of bolus. Bolus is a material placed on the skin to help bring the radiation dose higher to the skin surface within the patient (Khan 2012). Since there are no research studies in the radiation oncologyRead MoreSolar Energy : Solar Power Systems For Houses And How The Humans Benefited From It983 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscuss solar energy in three points which are what solar energy is, solar power systems for houses and how the humans benefited from it. Solar energy is the light and heat which are coming from the sun, and a human create them for his benefits since ancient time ago. Also, solar energy is the important kind of green energy. Moreover, humans have used them by using a range of modern technology that is constantly evolving. It includes harnessing solar energy technologies using thermal energy of the sunRead MoreMaterials Engineering Of Photovoltaic Cells1696 Words   |  7 Pages In today’s world when we think about energy sources, there are 2 classifications they can be split into: renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. Fossil fuels are the backbone for most of the energy we use today. We need this fuel for almost all of our daily routine, from lighting a fire to running heavy machinery, but with increase in population there has been an increasing demand of such energy. Fuels like these tend to give massive amount of energy but also affect the environment by producingRead MoreGreen Computing Essay1118 Words   |  5 PagesGreen Computing is basically trying to save energy by reducing electricity and environmental waste. I can apply this to how I use my computing practices by listing ways that I can lessen my power usage at home doing my schooling and for people at work. With this I will acknowledge how often I use a printer to print documents as such. I will also express whether or not these gadgets have power savers or have hibernating mode that it goes in to save energy. Computing equipment draws approximately one-thirdRead MoreRenewable Fuels And The Energy Issue1583 Words   |  7 PagesInvestigating whether a renewable fuel produces the same level of energy as an equivalent amount of nonrenewable fuel would be beneficial to help save Earth’s natural resources and is a very relevant and important science project. The purpose of this project is to figure out which type of fuels is most efficient. In my science project, I will be burning various types of renewable fuels and non- renewable fuels and comparing the duration that they burn and comparing the temperature that they burnRead MoreDrilling Project Report1110 Words   |  5 Pagesincluded that demonstrate the materials used, the estimated cost, and the projected outcome of the project. Ultimately, a cost efficient and thoroughly researched project is the best way to approach a new drill site. Research is essential when determining how to approach a new site -- it is important to look into what type of land and soil will be present, the cost of materials, and how a team can avoid a prolonged and troublesome journey. When analyzing the planning required to drilling, important